Saturday 1 October 2016

Happy Day 91

Although I started losing my voice again and the problem with my voice isn't completely resolved I had a great day at school where I went swimming where I enjoyed a great swim with my little ones and the teacher.

Today is Thursday; September 29th

I always start my days with energy for some reason, maybe it is because I love my job or maybe it is because I love the rickshaw ride till we get to the school. When I got there I was meant to do a lot of work but I wasn't able to complete any. The day was perfect overall, I loved how fast the day passed. So I was thinking about my students and I did a lot of research on how to teach my student to calm down and understand their actions a lot better. Out of the blue, I started remembering an interview Goldie Hawn did with Oprah about her school or something along those lines and it is to do with children and their attitudes, so I went online and started researching for what is it exactly that she did and I found out that she had an organisation and a program for school children called 'MindUp'. The more I read about it the more I fell in LOVE with it. I instantly downloaded the pdf file relevant for my students' age group and started implementing it today. I only started explaining to my students the main parts of the brain, the importance of those parts and how they work (lesson 1). I honestly didn't think I will grab their attention this quickly but it was magical. Therefore, I decided to start it next week and let's see how it changes my little ones.

After the school, I went to my private lesson then to the Radio where I was waiting for one of the best interviews I have ever conducted on my show. It was quite entertaining and I loved having a chat with 2 talented young men who are balancing between their day jobs and their musical talents.

The interview was honestly the cherry on top for my week and I am grateful that I was there to conduct it. I am crashing with extremely low energy as usual so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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