Sunday 2 October 2016

Happy Day 93

The day I slept like a pig and woke up like a princess. I had nothing serious going on but I had to teach one of my students how to respect appointments, harsh but a must.

Today is Saturday, October 1st

I woke up after a very satisfactory sleep with great joy. My mum was feeling a bit better and the vibe was great. I had a private lesson in the early noon time however he decided not to show up on time. After about 2 hours and 40 minutes my student arrived extremely late and I had to send him back as he was very late. I was very strict and his mother was upset but it was meant to happen and had to happen. I am a very nice person and normally I let a lot of things slide but this one really was upsetting and I could't just let it go.

After my crazy incident, I had to complete my second private lesson which went very well as usual then I head home for a bit of break. I was up again in the evening for another lesson and I was done for this Saturday.

Today was unusually quite with nothing happening but here you go with an update, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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