Monday 10 October 2016

Happy Day 100

I have completed 100 days today and it was such a busy full day. I did everything although I was extremely shattered and drained throughout my day because I had a horrid sleep at night.

Today is Saturday; October 8th

The morning was very tiring as I woke up in pieces and had to take my lil one to the physiotherapy before heading to my private lesson. I got a bit late at my private lesson but it was done and it was a lot of fun. My private student is leaving in a few days and I find it very strange how I am getting emotional about them leaving. I am a HOARDER i guess that is why it is very difficult to let go.

After my lesson, I picked up my lil and dropped him off at home and that is when I received a call form one of my colleagues asking me to meet her up for a Mani and Padi..!! I was happy but at the same time I didn't know how to feel about leaving my lil one on our only day off. I was getting emotional again and decided maybe I should not go to stay with my lil one but my colleague sounded sad and in need of a pep-talk. I quickly changed my mind and went to met Sarah at the Beauty Parlor which was great, I felt refreshed, my feet felt great and Sarah had fun.

I ended up spending hours and hours out of the house which was unexpected and I got home very late, I only was able to sit with my lil one for an hour or so before I had another private lesson which lasted for about an hour and a half. Then I had to meet another friend to enjoy a bit of a walk and a SUCCULENT meal at a place called Papa J. When I got home, I found my poor lil one wide awake, waiting for me to tell me that his tap wasn't working.

My 100th day turned out to be such an interesting day with lots happening in it. Making memories is what it is all about. This journey has allowed me to grow, love my life and live the moment rather than wish for a different present and hope for an amusing future. I loved this journey and where it took and how I was capable to pick myself up through the ups and downs. Thank you for reading and following me on my blog, this post will mark the end of it. Keep enjoying your lives and live it rather than escaping it.

And for the last time, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Sunday 9 October 2016

Happy Day 99

The day I decided to cancel all my private lessons to live a normal day with my little man. I decided to socialize with some great people and chose not to get upset and angry at all the foolishness around me.

Today is Friday; October 7th

The day started off on a very strange tone where everything was ok and quickly it went down hill and I felt like running away from home and finding shelter somewhere else. The morning bore some great news which only one person is aware of as I did not share it with anyone. Every single time I tried to start my conversation regarding this topic I get interrupter and the topic tends to change and becomes the other individual's issue.

I decided to get my lil man who was dressed as a little Spiderman and took him to his shadow teacher's house. I spent the whole evening there as I wanted to see other people and socialize away from home, yet my small secret was unrevealed to anyone. My little man had such a great time with his teacher and he enjoyed spending some time away from our house.

Although it was the International Smile Day, it was filled with some issues and problems which I had to calmly face. I was surprised at my reaction at someone who burst in my face out of no where, normally I would burst back on them but this time I calmly gathered my breakfast and headed towards my room and started getting ready to leave the house with my lil man.

I know I am almost done with this challenge and my biggest challenge is to continue in the same light hearted mannar. Have a Great Morning Lovelies (^_^)

Friday 7 October 2016

Happy Day 98

The day I felt appreciated and supported by my work place..!! This day is one of the rarest days ever, as it never happens often (we're not smooth like the weeknd!) and it was one of the nicest gestures ever.

Today is Thursday; October 6th

I am lucky enough to work with one of the most inspirational teachers in Sudan who I believe can teach me quite a lot about teaching, persistence, honesty and integrity. I was blessed by having her next to me to seek advice and comfort whenever possible. We agreed that we will alternate the swimming day between us to be able to complete our work as much as possible. So I decided to stay behind this morning to complete my correction, which I have done most of, and it felt very scary. It felt like I have abandoned my lil students and I was worried about them most of the time hence I was incapable to do as much work as possible. The day went by quite pleasantly as my students decided to behave better after our little mindful listening game we did yesterday which is part of The Mind Up program I started applying on the.

Just before we were done with school, the Deputy Head, asked me for 2 students and so I choose 2 of my best students and I complete forgot about them as I started lining up my children to have their fruit break. As soon as they walked in and without me noticing anything, shame on me, my student handed me  the prettiest flower in the history of flowers with a side note stuck on it just for me! I was pleasantly surprised by that and I immediately hugged my lil student and thanked her not knowing what is going on and why am I getting flowers. Lots of thoughts started rushing through my mind, (was it because I did such a great job at the observation, was it that I was finally appreciated), until I went to Miss Maria who informed me that it was World Teacher Appreciation Day.

The flower filled me with lots of joy, I was extremely happy throughout the rest of the day. Regardless of my complete and utter exhaustion, I decided to do a bit of work to prep for my short week coming up as that little single flower was the greatest incentive any workplace can give its employees to motivate them to work harder.

With this great feeling I will continue work as I wish all of you a Great Evening (^_^) 

Happy Day 97

MY IMPORTANT INTERVIEW AND MY OBSERVATION ALL HAPPENED ON THE SAME DAY..!! Today was double the stress and more than triple the anxiety.

Today is DREADFUL Wednesday, October 5th

Although I was quite calm about being observed for the first time in my new school, I was hoping that my lil ones would be on their best behaviour. As soon as my lesson was getting closer, I started getting ready for all of it. The lesson started and my assistant came in after them knowing that we will be observed this morning. I sat my lil cheeky monkeys down, however, they decided to start talking about what happened in their P.E. lesson which was that some of them were not following instructions and so they got punished by not getting to play during the lesson and instead they were watching the other teams playing. Not only that but they were also punished by not playing during their break. They were grumpy, some of t hem had to hide inside their shirts, others were teary, another group started imitating the others and it was complete chaos! and that was when the Deputy Head walked in!

It started becoming out of hand as I decided to talk to them about it, and so then my assistant decided to come in and rescue the whole situation by taking the crying boy out of the classroom to have a chat with him. That is when I thought to myself "THANK YOU LORD!"and that is when the lesson started flowing and I was able to get some work done. After the observation, I was unable to maintain eye contact with the Deputy Head and I refused to cross her path nor even start a small conversation. I stayed until the end of the day, just before I wanted to leave, I decided to have a chat with her about her feedback. The Feedback was greater than I thought and I felt more confident in myself after our chat and she definitely boosted my morals more than I thought, her feedback was extremely constructive and I felt like I was benefiting from it in comparison to other observations I was part of. The funny part is that I just walked into the office and I just said to the Deputy Head "Give it to me..!!" and I quickly requested the negative points and feedback first before anything.

After that I was about ready to tackle my interview which I was dreading and I was trying to avoid throughout the week. I failed miserably to study for the interview and I revised nothing of the work I was given. I just went in pretty much on time (again "Thank THE LORD for that") and I was quite exhausted from my draining day. I was also able to crack some jokes at the end as I had no clue what to say when I was asked about my other qualifications. the interview was confusing and long but I believe I did OK in it. I tried to talk about my current job and my previous experiences within this year which I felt comfortable thinking and talking about.

At the end of the interview, I was asked to leave, but I honestly had no clue what to do and if I should start shaking people's hands or not. Then I awkwardly got up, took my cup with me and started walking towards the door as I was say to the interviewee panel "Listen to me on the Radio this evening at 6pm.."

AWKWARD..!! (-_-)

I don't want to talk anymore about this exhausting day, I am drained just remembering what happened on this day.. so Have a Great Evening for now Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 96

Today was the day when I felt completely out of place and I had to keep questioning my position, my place and everything around me. "Not a Good Day" I kept repeating, and it was honestly one very low day.

Today is Tuesday; October 4th

Although I started off very early at school, it was one of these awkward days where you have a weird vibe and everything feels like a massive misfit. I went to school and I tried to keep a happy face which I was incapable of doing and I ended up being the teacher with the sad puppy face throughout the day. I was able to accomplish quite a lot and cover a lot of the stuff which was missed due to our long weekend but something was just not right. I talked to my friend about this day quite a lot and what is great is that she felt exactly the same and we were able to have a moment of sharing our strange vibes. I was also informed this afternoon that one of the most important interviews in my entire career is taking place tomorrow at 4pm (AND I HAVEN'T PREPARED FOR IT..!!).

After school this afternoon I had nothing and I was able to get my lil man from physiotherapy and I was able to get o the radio early enough to set my work and start thinking about the show. This evening's topic was one of my favourite topics as it covers one picture which has been circulating social media for quite a long time. What is really bizarre is that the photo has been shared without the rest of it and hence I decided to put it out there for my listeners.

During my show, I was blessed by a call from my sister who surprised me of being at a burger place and she bought some great burgers which I couldn't finish but I enjoyed every bite of it. A Great Meal marking the end of my STRANGE DAY.

Coming home to no private lessons allowed me to get a bit of rest with no headache, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 95

Starting school on a Monday is so wrong..!!! I am less motivated than usual, less organised than usual.. and I feel like a lost person in the middle of the woods..!!

Today is Monday; October 3rd

It felt great seeing my students after the long weekend we had however I felt extremely lost and disoriented for some reason. I was extremely behind in handing most of my paper work and I had no clue what I am going to do this week. And what is worse is that the week has been shortened and I felt like the work has been piled instead of it being spread over its natural time.

I started my students on The Mind Up Program which is extremely interesting as they were able to grasp the idea a lot quicker than I thought and a lot more easier than I imagined. They were eager to draw the brain and understand their behaviour. The program is great and well researched.
After my crazy day at school, I went to my private lesson then I ended up heading to the radio for an interesting show about Africa.

I know it's quick but I honestly had a quick week with hardly anything exciting, so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Sunday 2 October 2016

Happy Day 94

I once posted on my Facebook account 3 years today the following
("First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
The very wise words of my role model #Gandhi #InternationalDayOfNonViolence

Today is Sunday; October 2nd

Being greeted this morning by something I posted in 2013 on Facebook was one of the things that really got me reflecting on where I was and where I am and what I have come across to achieve all this. I still remember when I barely had no money and I had to save every penny to make sure that my lil one and I have enough to get to physio and back. I still remember taking the bus in the heat wave with my lil one just to get to places. Life is filled with so much mysteries and all you have to do is keep unfolding the presents that come your way with the biggest smile you are capable of showing.

I keep getting asked at school (What am I on?) just because I walk into school with the biggest smile ever, not knowing the amount of horrid things I have experienced just to get to school in the morning. I smile because I have overcome so much not because I am special just because I remember the bad things, I am grateful for all the good things and I am proud of myself for merely surviving it all. I used to wish I had a better life, a better fortune but not anymore, this is where I am and this is where I am meant to be with my lovely little son who is a cerebral palsy patient. And I wish it no different any more.

Today was yet another difficult day, October is one mean month, with lots of work and running around as usual. I wanted to skip physiotherapy as my lil one was extremely drained and he wanted to play for a bit, however, I pushed through and we got out of the door at 11am. I had to gather all the strength in the world to step foot out of the house to face today as it was HOT HOT HOT and I had no motivation to do anything.

I forced myself to face people and be nice although I had a lot of difficult moments where I could have been a lot worse than how I acted. After my difficult day, I had a good private lesson with a student whose school fails to provide him with the minimum needs which got me even more livid and aggravated at the educational system in the country I live in although there are many great teachers but the bad ones seem to spread faster than super bugs.

At the end of my lesson, I had to take both my student and my lil one with me to the Radio Station as I promised my lil one. They both had fun and they enjoyed their time till my student's father picked him up and my lil one had to stay until I finished my show.

Now my lil man is sleeping happily and I need to prep for school which is tomorrow, so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)